1,079 research outputs found

    Can carbohydrate mouth rinse improve performance during exercise? A systematic review

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    The purpose of this review was to identify studies that have investigated the effect of carbohydrate (CHO) mouth rinse on exercise performance, and to quantify the overall mean difference of this type of manipulation across the studies. The main mechanisms involving the potential benefit of CHO mouth rinse on performance was also explored. A systematic review was conducted in the following electronic databases: PubMed, SciELO, Science Direct, MEDLINE, and the Cochrane Library (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials), without limit of searches. Eleven studies were classified as appropriate and their results were summarized and compared. In nine of them, CHO mouth rinse increased the performance (range from 1.50% to 11.59%) during moderate- to high-intensity exercise (~75% Wmax or 65% VO2max, ~1 h duration). A statistical analysis to quantify the individual and overall mean differences was performed in seven of the 11 eligible studies that reported power output (watts, W) as the main performance outcome. The overall mean difference was calculated using a random-effect model that accounts for true variation in effects occurring in each study, as well as random error within a single study. The overall effect of CHO mouth rinse on performance was significant (mean difference = 5.05 W, 95% CI 0.90 to 9.2 W, z = 2.39, p = 0.02) but there was a large heterogeneity between the studies (I2 = 52%). An activation of the oral receptors and consequently brain areas involved with reward (insula/operculum frontal, orbitofrontal cortex, and striatum) is suggested as a possible physiological mechanism responsible for the improved performance with CHO mouth rinse. However, this positive effect seems to be accentuated when muscle and liver glycogen stores are reduced, possibly due to a greater sensitivity of the oral receptors, and require further investigation. Differences in duration of fasting before the trial, duration of mouth rinse, type of activity, exercise protocols, and sample size may account for the large variability between the studies


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    Introdução: A meningite bacteriana sofreu grandes mudanças epidemiológicas após a introdução dos antibióticos e vacinas, passando de uma condição letal para tratável e prevenível. Compreender essas mudanças no perfil epidemiológico em nível local permitem planejar estratégias de terapia empírica. As alterações de líquor possuem papel fundamental nessa avaliação. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo transversal dos casos notificados de meningite entre janeiro de 2010 e junho de 2015 no Complexo Hospital de Clínicas – Universidade Federal do Paraná. Foram analisados a celularidade e citologia do líquor e os agentes etiológicos. Para as etiologias bacterianas, foi avaliado dados epidemiológicos. Resultados: Foram notificados 504 casos de meningite no período avaliado. A meningite asséptica foi a classificação epidemiológica mais comum. As meningites bacterianas com confirmação etiológica causadas por Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae ou Haemophilus influenzae ocorreram em 8,7% dos casos notificados, sendo que 30% delas ocorreram em menores de 1 ano. A N. meningitidis correspondeu a 61% desses casos, enquanto que S. pneumoniae a 34%. As meningites neutrofílicas com mais de 75% de neutrófilos são causadas por tais bactérias em mais da metade (53%). A meningite asséptica é a segunda principal etiologia (20%) seguida de perto pela meningite tuberculosa (17%). Os casos de meningite meningocócica se concentram em crianças até 1 ano (56% dos casos), a meningite pneumocócica se concentra nos adultos entre 18 e 50 anos (46%) e idosos (27%). Conclusões: O conhecimento da epidemiologia local através da interpretação do líquor, somada à avaliação da faixa etária são importantes aliados da avaliação clínica para determinação do agente etiológico mais provável e podem ajudar na decisão terapêutica

    Predictive validity of the CriSTAL tool for short-term mortality in older people presenting at Emergency Departments: a prospective study

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Abstract: To determine the validity of the Australian clinical prediction tool Criteria for Screening and Triaging to Appropriate aLternative care (CRISTAL) based on objective clinical criteria to accurately identify risk of death within 3 months of admission among older patients. Methods: Prospective study of ≄ 65 year-olds presenting at emergency departments in five Australian (Aus) and four Danish (DK) hospitals. Logistic regression analysis was used to model factors for death prediction; Sensitivity, specificity, area under the ROC curve and calibration with bootstrapping techniques were used to describe predictive accuracy. Results: 2493 patients, with median age 78–80 years (DK–Aus). The deceased had significantly higher mean CriSTAL with Australian mean of 8.1 (95% CI 7.7–8.6 vs. 5.8 95% CI 5.6–5.9) and Danish mean 7.1 (95% CI 6.6–7.5 vs. 5.5 95% CI 5.4–5.6). The model with Fried Frailty score was optimal for the Australian cohort but prediction with the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) was also good (AUROC 0.825 and 0.81, respectively). Values for the Danish cohort were AUROC 0.764 with Fried and 0.794 using CFS. The most significant independent predictors of short-term death in both cohorts were advanced malignancy, frailty, male gender and advanced age. CriSTAL’s accuracy was only modest for in-hospital death prediction in either setting. Conclusions: The modified CriSTAL tool (with CFS instead of Fried’s frailty instrument) has good discriminant power to improve prognostic certainty of short-term mortality for ED physicians in both health systems. This shows promise in enhancing clinician’s confidence in initiating earlier end-of-life discussions

    Early epilepsy in children with Zika-related microcephaly in a cohort in Recife, Brazil: Characteristics, electroencephalographic findings, and treatment response.

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence of epilepsy in children with Zika-related microcephaly in the first 24 months of life; to characterize the associated clinical and electrographic findings; and to summarize the treatment responses. METHODS: We followed a cohort of children, born during the 2015-2016 Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic in Brazil, with congenital microcephaly and evidence of congenital ZIKV infection on neuroimaging and/or laboratory testing. Neurological assessments were performed at ≀3, 6, 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24 months of life. Serial electroencephalograms were performed over the first 24 months. RESULTS: We evaluated 91 children, of whom 48 were female. In this study sample, the cumulative incidence of epilepsy was 71.4% in the first 24 months, and the main type of seizure was infantile spasms (83.1%). The highest incidence of seizures occurred between 3 and 9 months of age, and the risk remained high until 15 months of age. The incidence of infantile spasms peaked between 4 and 7 months and was followed by an increased incidence of focal epilepsy cases after 12 months of age. Neuroimaging results were available for all children, and 100% were abnormal. Cortical abnormalities were identified in 78.4% of the 74 children evaluated by computed tomography and 100% of the 53 children evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging. Overall, only 46.1% of the 65 children with epilepsy responded to treatment. The most commonly used medication was sodium valproate with or without benzodiazepines, levetiracetam, phenobarbital, and vigabatrin. SIGNIFICANCE: Zika-related microcephaly was associated with high risk of early epilepsy. Seizures typically began after the third month of life, usually as infantile spasms, with atypical electroencephalographic abnormalities. The seizure control rate was low. The onset of seizures in the second year was less frequent and, when it occurred, presented as focal epilepsy

    Breastfeeding training for health professionals and resultant changes in breastfeeding duration

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    CONTEXT: Promotion of breastfeeding in Brazilian maternity hospitals. OBJECTIVE: To quantify changes in the breastfeeding duration among mothers served by hospitals exposed to the Wellstart-SLC course, comparing them with changes among mothers attended by institutions not exposed to this course. DESIGN: Randomized Institutional Trial. SETTING: The effects of training on breastfeeding duration was assessed in eight Brazilian hospitals assigned at random to either an exposed group (staff attending the Wellstart-SLC course) or a control group. SAMPLE: For each of the eight study hospitals, two cohorts of about 50 children were visited at home at one and six months after birth. The first cohort (n = 494) was composed of babies born in the month prior to exposure to the Wellstart-SLC course, and the second cohort (n = 476) was composed of babies born six months subsequent to this exposure. MAIN MEASUREMENTS: Kaplan-Meier curves were plotted to describe the weaning process and log-rank tests were used to assess statistical differences among survival curves. Hazard ratio (HR) estimates were calculated by fitting Cox proportional hazard regression models to the data. RESULTS: The increases in estimated, adjusted rates for children born in hospitals with trained personnel were 29% (HR = 0.71) and 20% (HR = 0.80) for exclusive and full breastfeeding, respectively. No changes were identified for total breastfeeding. CONCLUSION: This randomized trial supports a growing body of evidence that training hospital health professionals in breastfeeding promotion and protection results in an increase in breastfeeding duration.CONTEXTO: Promoção do aleitamento materno em maternidades brasileiras. OBJETIVO: Quantificar mudanças na duração do aleitamento materno de mĂŁes assistidas em maternidades expostas ao curso Wellstart-SLC, comparando-as com mudanças em mĂŁes assistidas por maternidades nĂŁo expostas. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Ensaio institucional randomizado. LOCAL: Os efeitos do treinamento na duração do aleitamento materno foi avaliado em oito maternidades randomicamente alocadas ao grupo exposto (equipe freqĂŒenta o curso Wellstart-SLC) ou controle. AMOSTRA: Em cada uma das oito maternidades, duas coortes de cerca de 50 crianças foram visitadas em suas casas ao completarem um e seis meses de vida. As primeiras coortes (n = 494) foram compostas de bebĂȘs nascidos no mĂȘs anterior ao treinamento, enquanto que as segundas coortes (n = 476) foram compostas por bebĂȘs nascidos seis meses apĂłs a exposição ao curso Weelstart-SLC. VARIÁVEIS ESTUDADAS: Para descrever o processo de desmame foram traçadas curvas de Kaplan-Meier. Para avaliar as diferenças estatĂ­sticas entre as curvas de sobrevivĂȘncia foi utilizado o teste log-rank. Foram calculadas estimativas das razĂ”es de risco(HR) ajustando modelos de regressĂŁo de riscos proporcionais de Cox aos dados. RESULTADOS: O aumento estimado, a partir das razĂ”es ajustadas para crianças nascidas em hospitais com pessoal treinado, foi 29% (HR = 0,71) e 20% (HR = 0,80) para aleitamento exclusivo e pleno respectivamente. NĂŁo foram identificadas mudanças para o tempo de aleitamento total. CONCLUSÕES: Esse ensaio randomizado confirma evidĂȘncias crescentes de que treinar profissionais de saĂșde em hospitais, na promoção e proteção do aleitamento materno, resulta em aumento do tempo de aleitamento materno.Universidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of PediatricsUniversidade de Santo Amaro Maternal and Child Health Graduate ProgramUniversidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo (UNIFESP) School of Public HealthState of SĂŁo Paulo State Health Secretariat Health InstituteUNIFESP, Department of PediatricsUNIFESP, School of Public HealthSciEL
